Wednesday, December 21, 2011

An Excellent Wife

Today is Day 1 of my study! Hooray! J I’m so excited to go through this.

In my study bible, it says this about Proverbs 31:10-31-

“These verses describe the ideal wife and mother. Her whole life is centered around a reverent fear of God, compassion for those in need, and faithfulness and love toward her family. All the ideals set forth here will probably not be fulfilled in any one wife and mother. But each wife can seek to serve God, her family and others in these kinds of ways with the ability and material resources that God has given her.

I think that sums it up really well!

I want to start going through this passage verse by verse. Then as something hits me, or I feel like I need to work on it for a while, I will stay there.

So, today I am going to go through verse 10. By the way, this is going to be written journal style. I am going to record my thoughts as I have them, so this won't be really pretty...probably a little messy, actually :)

Proverbs 31:10

 “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.”

Some translations say excellent, some say noble. I decided to look up both definitions just to have a broader view.

Noble- of an exalted mental or moral character or excellence; admirable in dignity and conception, manner of expression, execution, or composition.

Excellent- possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.

Right from the get-go, this convicts me. Not that I feel like I’m an immoral person, but on a day to day basis, I don’t feel exceptionally good. Just average I guess. A few questions that come to mind are: 1) How do you be exalted and not be cocky about it, and 2) how do you go about getting to the point where you are “remarkably good”?

Looking through one of Adam’s commentaries, it says that the word for noble character is also translated as “capable”. That is really interesting. I think that the days when I don’t feel good enough, or just can’t accomplish anything I want to, I feel a sort of crippling or incapable feeling. Putting this in marriage perspective, I would feel awesome if Adam always felt like I was capable of doing the things that needed to be done. Not too emotional, tired, moody, etc.

Disclaimer: As I write all of these things, it is PURELY from MY perspective. So for example, when I say that I would feel awesome IF Adam thought that about me, I’m not saying that he doesn’t, I’m just speaking from my perspective. I’m only going to write ways that I would like to improve and I don’t want to focus on his end of it at all. Does that make sense? So I’m not “beating myself up”, I’m just trying to be as brutally honest as I can and pulling everything out from the verse that gets to me J

Okay, moving on… J

When I see “her worth is far above jewels” it makes me think of either someone famous or super wealthy . Saying that this woman is worth far above what could outwardly make a person happy is a huge thing. To me, it is saying that this woman is priceless. A man would trade in all his riches for her.

Each day, or every couple days, I am going to write out my verse on a note card and memorize it. I am going to ask God a way to make the verse come alive to me and get to my heart. On the back of the note card, I want to write how that happened. It may not be that same day, but I hope to share it on the back of that card and on here as well.

Comments are so welcomed by the way! If any of these things impact you in any way, I’d love to hear how J This blog is pretty private and close knit. So it’s not (nor will be) public for others to see so don’t be shy.

Proverbs 31:10- A excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.



  1. Hey Krystle. I really like this idea and your post. I was thinking about your 2 questions and when I think of this type of woman, I think of someone who is exalted but doesn't really care that other people exalt her. I think this type of woman is someone who is just focused on what she needs to do for herself, her family, and for God, which makes her care less about other's opinions. I think when we strive to be admirable, we end up as the opposite of the Proverbs 31 woman. Anyway, just some thoughts. And yay, I figured out how to get my own log-in.

  2. Yay for figuring out the login Sarah! haha! :)

    And thanks for your comment. I totally agree. I loved when you said "when we strive to be admirable, we end up as the opposite of the Proverbs 31 woman". SO GOOD. Seriously.
